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3 posters

    Sever vote system.

    Raaj Nadar
    Raaj Nadar

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    Sever vote system. Empty Sever vote system.

    Post by Raaj Nadar Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:58 am

    There is some problem with the vote system....admin please fix it when i vote for a map it goes to negative.
    And i think the vote system does not go to 66% and we have to play in the same map.
    This problem comes because of bots a bots cant vote but they are counted as players for the vote system do something we are diying to play in different map....

    Thanks & Regards

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    Sever vote system. Empty Re: Sever vote system.

    Post by YesIsMe Fri Feb 07, 2014 6:55 pm

    Hey H20 thanks for this but its a hard bug that its more harder to fix. because that the owners change the map they dont create a vote map, well good bye.

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    Sever vote system. Empty Re: Sever vote system.

    Post by Black Fri Feb 07, 2014 8:13 pm

    #Moved to Suggestions : )

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    Sever vote system. Empty Re: Sever vote system.

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